

Hunan Huaxin Rare Technology Co., Ltd.?

2019年度華信稀貴LBMA合規報告 (修訂)2 - 譯文提交
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Hunan Huaxin Rare & Precious Metals Technology Co., Ltd.


Refiner’s Compliance Report


LBMA Responsible Silver Guidance has been established for the refiners to adopt high standards of due diligence in order to combat systematic or widespread abuses of human rights, to avoid the contribution of conflict and to comply with high standards of anti-money laundering and combating terrorist financing practice.


This report summarized how Hunan Huaxin Rare & Precious Metals Technology Co., Ltd. has complied with the requirements of LBMA Responsible Silver Guidance for the year ended of December 31st, 2019.


Table1: Refiner’s details


Refiner’s name: Hunan Huaxin Rare&Precious Metals Co., Ltd.


Location: Jiangbei Industrial Park of Zixing City, Hunan Province


Ending date of the reporting year: 31/12/2019


Date of report: 09/05/2020


Senior management responsible for this report: Wang Qiuxiu


Contact information: Tel: 18075536146 E-mail: 2056251349@qq.com


Refiner’s evaluation


Established in 2008, Hunan Huaxin Rare&Precious Metals Technology Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of 450 million China Yuan, is located in Jiangbei Industrial Park of Zixing City, Hunan Province, with its own industrial area covering 1300 Mu.


The core technology independently developed by the company-“the new process of high-efficiency production of high-purity silver by fire-wet combination method of lead anode slime, has been rated as “China’s productive technology”, with high quality, short production cycle and energy saving and emission reduction effects, etc. The purity of silver finished product reaches 99.997%, which is above the national No.1 silver standard, and the purity of nano-grade silver powder reaches 99.999%. The new process has improved the silver recovery rate in the comprehensive recovery production process to reach the domestic advanced level. Moreover,the new process is conductive to improvement of production efficiency and does increase our silver production capacity by 20% compared with the traditional process.


The Company is a silver Good Delivery Refinery of London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), as well as an enterprise capable of providing standard silver ingots recognized by Shanghai Futures Exchange. The Company has obtained certificates of ISO9001 Quality Management Systems, ISO4001 Environmental Management System and CMA and has successively won the titles and awards of “China’s Well-known Trademark” and “Hunan Famous Brand Products”.


Table2: Summary of activities undertaken to demonstrate compliance


Step 1: Establish strong company management systems


Compliance Statement with Requirement:


We have fully complied with Step 1: Establish strong company management systems.


Company Policy:


The Company revised and issued the Silver Supply Chains Due Diligence Rules (hereinafter referred to as the Due Diligence Rules) on August 10, 2019, which is consistent with the model set out in Annex II of OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas in 2013. These due diligence rulesstipulate the organizational structure and responsibilities within the Company, the risk evaluation criteria for silver supply chains, due diligence, transaction monitoring, preservation of documents and records (at least 5 years after the end of the financial year), training and communication, etc. Based on these due diligence rules, the Supplier Management Policy, the Silver Due Diligence Management System, the Risk Evaluation Process, and the Risk Incoming Mitigation Strategy are formulated, providing foundation for the organization management, system and operation.


In 2019, the clear policy and effective system of the Company provides guarantee for the effective operation of the silver responsible system.

Internal Management Structure:


The Company has established a silver compliance team to define the management positions and corresponding responsibilities as per the Silver Supply Chains Due Diligence Rules, with one Compliance Director and five Compliance Officers. The Compliance Director of the Company is Lin Xiting (Deputy Chief Engineer), who has been engaged in the silver refining, production, processing and operation and management for 18 years with rich experience in such field. The Compliance Officer is set up in the Raw Material Procurement Department, Finance Department, Quality Control Department and precious metal storekeeper.


The Compliance Director is comprehensively in charge of the due diligence of the Company’s silver supply chain. He should supervise and inspect the due diligence process in the silver supply chain and assess whether due diligence is fully conducted; take appropriate measures to reduce risks until they are eliminated for silver supply chains or transactions with identified risks; timely report to the Company’s senior management and take strict control measures; regularly conduct training of employees on responsible silver guidelines and supply chain due diligence policies; draft and revise the Company’s relevant policies and guidelines of silver supply chain; provide necessary and accurate information for the Company’s senior management to fulfill their due diligence responsibilities.


The Compliance Officer is responsible for daily work. Two Compliance Officers set up in the Raw Material Procurement Department are responsible for organizing and implementing the evaluation of suppliers before the conclusion of the contract, supervising the transactions with qualified suppliers and conducting annual reevaluation, as well as implementing the LBMA’s silver due diligence concepts in the process of business negotiation and raw material procurement.


The Compliance Officer set up in the Finance Department is responsible for the contract approval of suppliers, sales staff and processing agents, controlling the contracts and funds from the finance perspective, supervising the relevant business and fund activities, and managing the gold and silver materials in the refinery.


One of the two Compliance Officers set up in the General Affairs Department and Security and Transportation Department is responsible for training and assisting the Risk Officer in formulating the system construction of the Company’s duty management; while the other is responsible for the raw materials into or out of the refinery, and fulfilling the duties in the process of silver logistics transportation.


In 2019, Hunan Huaxin Rare&Precious Metals Technology Co., Ltd followed the Silver Supply Chains Due Diligence Rules strictly and conducted risk-based due diligence investigation for suppliers. All the transactions were monitored to avoid building relationship with the suppliers associated with high risk. Meanwhile, all due diligence investigation findings and results were reviewed by the Compliance Officer, and all silver material procurement contracts were approved by the Compliance Officer in the Finance Department and the Company’s CEO.


Flow System of Silver within the Refinery:


Incoming materials: After investigation, contracts are entered into with the suppliers meeting the Company’s requirements and customers, and then the silver raw materials of suppliers are transported to the Company.


The Company is equipped with a professional gold and silver security transportation team, responsible for transporting raw materials from suppliers to the refinery. In this process, a Compliance Officer designed to the team will further eliminate the risk according to the incoming material address and delivery address. In case of any abnormality, the Compliance Officer will immediately report to the Risk Officer and reject to receive and to send or isolate the raw materials. The raw materials into the refinery should be rechecked by the acceptance personnel. Each batch of raw materials should be given a unique number, by which the acceptance personnel should take samples during the smelting and casting process. Silvers are sold after refining to customers meeting the Company’s review requirements. In such process, the Compliance Officer in the Finance Department is required to check the delivery documents for approval and review the payment vouchers. The payment process must be traceable with real name.


Delivery: The Company provides delivery services and also supports customers to pick-up personally as per the customers’ demand.


The Raw Material Procurement Department (being compliant upon the Compliance Officer’s preliminary judgment) provides the customer information and issues the delivery documents, and the Finance Department (by Compliance Officer) reviews the funds, and the Escorting Department (by Compliance Officer) arranges the implementation. The above three links are checked at all levels. If high risk is found during the implementation of escorting, the delivery will be immediately suspended after reporting.


Transaction Monitoring:


All collection and payment in connection with silver of the Company were made through the Company’s bank account, no transactions by cash. These receipts and payments were supervised by the bank and the national financial and taxation departments. The collection and payment of bank account and cash payment were approved at all levels, which also got approved by the Compliance Officer in the Finance Department and the Company’s senior management.


Engagement with Silver-supplying Counterparty:


After the risk evaluation on suppliers and customers is completed and at the time of signing the contract with suppliers, the business personnel of the Domestic and International Business Departments of Spot Stock should require all silver-supplying counterparties to sign the Letter of Commitment for LBMA Compliance as required by the Compliance Officer set in their own departments, and conduct the questionnaire survey to ensure that they are aware of Company’s commitment to LBMA management, the supply chain policy and respective requirements. In this letter of commitment, silver-supplying counterparties should commit to, and acknowledge in writing that there is no serious human rights abuse associated with the extraction, transport or trade of minerals, no direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups, no direct or indirect support to public or private security forces and no bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of the origin of minerals, money laundering. Also, the payment of taxes, fees and royalties related to mineral extraction, trade and export from conflict-affected and high-risk areas are paid to governments.


All suppliers contracted in 2019 have signed the relevant letter of commitment.


Communication Mechanism:


Training:In order to help all staff involved in the silver supplychain to have a thorough understanding of the due diligence system, the Compliance Officers of Comprehensive Department have launched training program. The trainees are mainly employees of the silver-bearing material departments. The purpose of training program was to help them establish a deep-through understanding of the LBMA Responsible Silver Guidance and the related toolkit, including the LBMA regulatory requirements for silver, due diligence management policy for reliable silver supply chain and the risk management of silver procurement process (Risk Pre-Control, Risk Evaluation, Monitoring and Communication Mechanisms, etc.)


Internal communication: the Compliance Officer can communicate with the Risk Control Officer at any time, or report and communicate with the superior leaders of the Department on relevant LBMA matters. In case of major matters, communication, report and arrangement shall be conducted at the regular production and operation meeting of the Company.


External communication: during the annual risk evaluation, the Company introduces the management concept and requirements of LBMA to suppliers and customers, and can also provide relevant knowledge in accordance with customer requirements. We can also accept customer consultation at any time to help them control risks in the daily purchasing and sales business activities.


The Company formulated a training plan, and organized and implemented training about LBMA according to the plan in 2019. At the same time, the due diligence requirements of LBMA to suppliers and customers was publicized, commitments were signed, and effective internal and external communication was implemented.

Confidential grievance mechanism:


The Company has established a grievance mechanism. The e-mail address and mobile phone number of the LBMA Risk Control Officer and Compliance Officers at all levels have been published. The external stakeholders can provide anonymous opinions or suggestions, or report the supply chain risks of silver. The factory also has a LBMA report box. Employees and relevant personnel can put forward written opinions and suggestions at any time, or report anonymously. The report box is opened and inspected regularly by the Risk Control Officer.


No appeal occurred in 2019.


Step 2: Identify and assess risk in the supply chain


Compliance Statement with Requirement:


We have fully complied with Step 2: Identify and assess risk in the supply chain.


I. Hunan Huaxin Rare&Precious Metals Technology Co., Ltd has an identification process for identifying supply chain risks


Our company has defined the risk identification method of supply chain, and on this basis, we have formulated LBMA Silver Risk Evaluation Process, which is used for risk evaluation. The Risk Identification Process established by the Company covers all risks of the whole silver supply chain from the origin to the refinery. The Risk Identification Process identifies the following risks: premeditated and increasingly rampant human rights violations related to silver extraction, transportation or transaction, direct or indirect support for non-governmental armed organizations, or public / private security forces, bribery, fraud concealment, money laundering, financial terrorism and conflict financing of silver sources.


During the evaluation, the investigators collected the supplier information in accordance with LBMA Silver Risk Evaluation Process, including 1. The supplier’s identity verification document; 2.The identity verification document of the supplier’s beneficiary; 3.Inspection of whether the supplier and beneficiary are on the list of money laundering crime, fraud or terrorist published by the government; 4.The supplier’s business activity investigation and financial information investigation. 5. Information of suppliers willing to cooperate. It is needed to verify the type, registration place and transaction type information of the raw material supply company, and understand the reputation information of the supplier by a third party, so as to assess the emerging supplier risk.


II. Hunan Huaxin Rare&Precious Metals Technoloty Co., Ltd assessed the risk according to the risk evaluation criteria of due diligence


Before the establishment of the business relationship between Huaxin Non-Ferrous Metal and its suppliers in 2019, the Business Department needs to fill in the Due Diligence Questionnaire on Silver Supply Chain. In accordance with the Supplier Management Policy and LBMA Silver Risk Evaluation Process, the original customers also conduct regular re-evaluation for different raw materials as follows:


Renewable silver: 1. The Import and Export Raw Material Purchase Department needs to know the type of international counterparties, beneficiary, credit, financial information, the information to indicate whether it is in government list on the money laundering, known fraudsters or terrorists, etc., such as whether it is large multinational banks and gold merchants, whether they are LBMA approved suppliers, and the historical negative information of suppliers, etc. 2. When renewable silver is purchased from the Domestic Spot Good department, it is necessary to determine the business license of the renewable silver supplier, understand the source of raw materials and relevant beneficiary information, investigate its employment location, and visit the acquisition site on the spot if necessary.

2019年通過以上工作,對供應商進行評估。2019年度,公司總共有白銀供應商4家,都是再生銀供應商家, 2019年度根據前期供應商的調查和評估,目前所有的供應商均為低風險供應商。

The supplier will be evaluated by the above work in 2019. In 2019, the Company has a total of 4 silver suppliers, all of which are renewable silver suppliers. According to the investigation and evaluation of prophase suppliers in 2019, all of the suppliers are low-risk suppliers at present.


Transaction Monitoring

精煉廠建立并執行《交易監控控制程序》,以確保能對白銀供貨商供應鏈上的風險進行交易監督. 精煉廠對收到的每批產品接收貨運單據,重量單據,檢驗報告,發票等文本進行檢查。風控官總體負責負責交易監控工作,精煉廠確認文件和材料彼此符合,并滿足《交易監控控制程序》,對不符或以任何形式疑似不符的交易背景進行檢查,并書面確認調查結果,報告給合規官員。另外任何不符或疑似不符白銀物料應采用物理方式隔離,按本指南第3步的要求確保其安全,直至解決不符合項為止。這些調查結果應上報給有關部門。

The Refinery has established and implemented the <Transaction Monitoring and Control Process> to ensure the transaction supervision of the risks in the supply chain of silver suppliers. The Refinery shall check the received shipping documents, weight documents, inspection reports, invoices and other texts of each batch of products. The Risk Control Officer is generally responsible for the transaction monitoring. The Refinery confirms that the documents and materials are consistent with each other and meet the <Transaction Monitoring and Control Process>. It checks the transaction background that is inconsistent or suspected to be inconsistent in any form, and confirms the investigation results in writing and reports to the Compliance Officer. In addition, any non-conforming or suspected non-conforming silver materials shall be physically isolated and secured in accordance with Step 3 of this Guidance until the non-conforming items are resolved. These findings shall be reported to the relevant departments.


No non-compliance with the Transaction Monitoring and Control Process has occurred in 2019.


III. Risk Evaluation Report submission from suppliers of Hunan Huaxin Rare&Precious Metals Co., Ltd


Risk Evaluation Report submission from silver raw material suppliers: After the corresponding work above is completed, the Compliance Officer of the Raw Material Purchase Department of the Company is responsible for scoring all incoming material suppliers in accordance with the Supplier Management Policy and LBMA Silver Risk Evaluation Process, and classifying the suppliers into high risk, medium risk and low risk according to the scoring results. The appraisal report shall be submitted to the Risk Control Officer. The Risk Control Officer is responsible for reviewing the authenticity, effectiveness and integrity of the due diligence, signing after confirmation, and reporting to the Chief Executive Officer for final approval. If a supplier is classified as a high-risk supplier, the Chief Executive Officer has to approve that the Company will not cooperate with the supplier.


Step 3: Design and implement a management strategy to respond to identified risks


We have fully complied with Step 3: Design and implement a management strategy to respond to identified risks.


1. The documented <LBMA Risk Mitigation Strategy> has been established in the refinery, and the Compliance Officer is responsible for the implementation of the mitigation strategy, with the support of the general manager.


The Company carries out risk management in three ways:


(i) Risks mitigation while continuing to trade: When the evaluation of suppliers is at a low risk, we continue to obtain silver raw materials from the suppliers, but improve the investigation items to make them conform to the specifications of LBMA. For example, for some suppliers, we help the suppliers learn and understand the management requirements of LBMA, provide them with methods and help to establish and improve the deficiencies in risk management and control, so that they can reduce risks in their daily business activities. For another example, in the industry, we learn about the industry reputation of a supplier with peers, and the information of the supplier’s management personnel to supplement and prove the identified risk items.


(ii) Risk mitigation while suspending of transactions: When cooperating with low-risk suppliers, it is found that the suspicious risks may make the supplier become a medium risk supplier. Before obtaining the determined results, it is necessary to suspend cooperation with the supplier and investigate the suspicious risks until it is determined that the supplier is a low-risk supplier, and then deals with it in accordance with the evaluation results. When the evaluation result is medium risk, the cooperation with the supplier needs to be suspended and the incoming materials need to be isolated. The silver warehouses of the Company are established with isolation areas for high-risk incoming material to deal with suspicious, risky incoming materials and emergencies with little possibility. Isolate suspicious and risk incoming materials are reported investigated and disposed.


Within the specified 2-week period, the supplier rectifies the risk item, removes the risk, and then resumes the transaction. In case the rectification fails to meet the requirements or the risk cannot be removed, the cooperation with the supplier will be stopped finally.


(iii) Risk mitigation whilestopping the transaction: If the supplier is assessed as high risk, or if high-risk items are found during the cooperation with the supplier, the cooperation with the supplier shall be stopped, the evaluation report and high-risk items shall be reported to the chief executive officer. The chief executive officer shall make judicial reports or put them into other legal means, making them into the judicial process.

2、  采取降低風險的管理策略時,采取了可以量化的手段,并進行積分評估,定期風險重新評估以及定期向指定的高級管理人員報告。

2.When the Company adopts the risk mitigation management strategy, it adopts quantifiable means, and carries out integral evaluation, regular risk re-evaluation and regular report to the designated senior management.


Quantitative means and integral evaluation: The Company has formulated LBMA Risk Mitigation Strategy. If the results of due diligence show it is at low risk (with a score greater than or equal to 6), but the assessed company in the supply chain is using reasonable and good faith effort, we will continue to refine silver coming from this source provided that it adopts an improvement strategy stating clear performance objectives within two weeks. If the due diligence results of silver supply chain show it is at medium risk (score less than 6 but greater than 2) and high risk (score less than or equal to 2), which indicates that there may exist money laundering, terrorist financing, contribution to conflict, human rights abuses, or if the possibility of the same is deemed high, we will stop immediately to refine silver from this source until additional information or data confirming or refuting the preliminary evaluation.


According to the due diligence results for 2019, there was no supplier that need a management strategy of risk mitigation or suspicious incoming materials.


Regular reevaluation and continuous monitoring: 1.Every year, the Raw Material Purchase Department is responsible for collecting all changes to suppliers’ information, the on-going monitoring results of transactions and conducting the annual supply chain due diligence reevaluation to decide whether to continue cooperation. 2. Each batch of silver raw materials purchased shall be monitored by the Compliance Officer in the process of transportation, warehousing, production and payment. The warehousing must be signed by the LBMA Escort Compliance Officer or LBMA Risk Control Officer, and the payment must be approved by the LBMA Financial Compliance Officer and the Chief Executive Officer.


Regular report: The Risk Control Officer shall submit reports to the Chief Executive Officer quarterly in accordance with the actual situation of LBMA management. The operation of LBMA management system in this quarter is summarized, and deficiencies and improvement measures are put forward in the report.


In 2019, the Company took a quantitative approach to score and manage suppliers, and conducted annual supplementary risk evaluation for all suppliers except new suppliers. The evaluation results have been reviewed by the Risk Control Officer. The Risk Control Officer reports to the Chief Executive Officer every quarter.


Step 4: Arrange for an independent third-party audit of the supply chain due diligence


Compliance Statement with Requirement:


We have fully complied with Step 4: Arrange for an independent third-party audit of the supply chain due diligence.


In order to meet the specific requirements of LBMA Responsible Silver Guidance, Hunan Huaxin Rare&Precious Metals Technology Co., Ltd.entrusted the Shanghai Branch of Bureau Veritas to carry out the reasonable guarantee verification business in 2019. In addition, the Company has compiled the Refiner’s Compliance Report as of December 31, 2019 on time.


Step 5: Report on supply chain due diligence


Compliance Statement with Requirement:


We have fully complied with Step 5: Report on supply chain due diligence.


According to the specific requirements of LBMA Responsible Silver Guidance, the silver supply chain policy formulated by Hunan Huaxin Rare&Precious Metals Technology Co., Ltd.stipulates relevant information and specific details on systems, procedures, processes and control measures, which are uploaded to the Company’s official website (official website of Huaxin Non-Ferrous Metal: http://www.d5659.com/) for public reference.


Overall conclusion of Hunan Huaxin Rare&Precious Metals Technology Co., Ltd.


Table 3: Management conclusion:


Overall speaking, in 2019,Hunan Huaxin Rare&Precious Metals Technology Co., Ltd. has improved the supply chain management system, identified and assessed the associated risk for our suppliers, designed and implemented risk management strategy, and conducted independent third-party audit for supply chain due diligence investigation.In conclusion, in the financial year ended December 31, 2019, Hunan Huaxin Rare&Precious Metals Technology Co., Ltd. has implemented effective management systems, procedures, processes and practices in accordance with the LBMA Responsible Silver Guidance.


In the next phase of work, we will be committed to continuous improvement to more effectively integrate the supply chain processes of responsible silver with our existing supply chain processes. Any identified corrective actions will be monitored internally on a regular basis.


Table 4: Other report comments


If users of this report wish to provide any feedback to us with respect to this report, feel free to contact us by telephone 18075536146 or E-mail 2056251349@qq.com.